Wholesale Services to Garden Centres and Landscapers
Delivering to London, Kent, Essex, West Sussex, Surrey, East Sussex and throughout the South and South East
We are Passionate About Plants
We share your passion of plants and work hard to source the very best products from all over the world
Plants from All Around The World
We are very proud to supply plants to shops and garden centres alike. With daily deliveries from Holland and the UK (when in season) and weekly/twice weekly deliveries from Denmark, Italy and Belgium. We sell a massive selection of plants ranging from the smallest indoor plants to 15ft specimen plants with everything in between.
As with all our stock, you will find everything online and in store.
Our services to make your life easier
Our aim is to connect you with the best plants for the best price in the easiest and quickest way possible, so you can spend time growing your business
Targeted Special Offers
Garden Centre Direct Online
Seasonal Show Van
Buying Trips
Standing Orders
Your Own Account Manager
You can buy direct from source
Here is what our customers say about us.

Our treat, come on a buying trip with us.
Visit some of our growers in Holland, Denmark and Belgium and see the plants at source. We offer a couple of trips a year to Garden Centres, please ask for details. Minimum buying quantities do apply.